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Clarify and move forward on your goals

Real personalized support responding to your professional and personal improvement needs, the coaching process promotes awareness of your current situation and the way to go to achieve the personal and professional goals you have set yourself.




  • Anyone experiencing a professional and / or personal life transition

  • Anyone wishing to find a work / life balance

  • Young adult entering working life

  • Retired employee

  • Employee already in working life and wishing to reorient himself professionally or evolve within his company

  • Employee wishing to return to work after a period of professional inactivity (sick leave, maternity leave, burn-out, etc.)

  • Employee returning from expatriation

  • Manager, leader wishing to be accompanied within the framework of his functions (stress management, emotion management, time and priority management, better communication with his teams, etc.)




1 - One-to-one

First free exchange -> Proposal for a coaching contract (code of ethics) -> Programming approx. 10 sessions of 1 hour approx. every 10 days -> Mid-term adjustment for the 5th session -> Assessment and closure of the coaching process.


Face-to-face or videoconferences (Skype / Zoom / Teams, etc.)


2 - Team

First free exchange with the company -> Proposal of a contract for a team coaching process led by at least 2 professional coaches.

Coaching professionnel: Services
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